Last year, sorting out our car’s marbete (road tax) was like something out of a Seinfield episode.  This year, I’m happy to report, it was smooth sailings.  Granted, our renewal notice never showed up (it should arrive a month or two before expiration, but sometimes it doesn’t…).  No worries, we drove down to CESCO in Aguadilla, got in line and a few minutes later had our renewal form.  We then trotted off to a dedicated car inspection station on Carr 115 (almost at the junction with the Aguada end of Carr 414 on the right hand side when driving from Rincón, for those interested).  We were greeted with a big smile and a handful of candies (I kid you not!).  Our car was promptly inspected, we got our paperwork and were quickly off to pay the road tax. 

We decided to find the Rincón “Colecturia” (a place where you pay for all types of governmental taxes).  It is nicely hidden beside the Catholic Church in town (next to the Cash & Carry).  This year, we had our private car insurance form in hand.  This exempts us from the compulsory governmental insurance.  So, a quick payment of $85 and we had our new marbete sticker in hand with 7 days to spare.  And did I mention we accomplished all this (AND a stop at a hardware store) before lunch?  🙂