
I just added some new work to the Rincón Pottery ONLINE STORE including some of the popular “Mas Café” mugs and a few bowls. Check it out!

Its finally here! We’re happy to announce that we now have our first online marketplace, hosted on (think “Exhibit” and it all makes sense). Check out our store by clicking on the image at the end of this post. We’ve also added a permanent link on the side bar and at the top of the page (see “Pottery for Sale” above our blog’s title). So no worries, you’ll always be able to easily click through to our store, even if you can’t find this post!

So what are you waiting for? The holidays are fast approaching you know! 🙂
Go check it out and please let me know what you think!

Rincon Pottery Online Store

One of the few consumable items that I’ve been missing since leaving the UK is squash. No, not the vegetable, the drink. For the uninitiated, squash is a concentrated liquid that you dilute with water to make a flavoured drink (e.g. orange, lemon, lime etc.). There are some liquid concentrates on sale here but they look really syrupy and tend be strange flavours.

Since drinking beer before noon is frowned upon 😉 I’ve been missing a soft drink that can be consumed in quantity. The options we’ve had in our fridge up to now have been water (boring), Diet Coke (I can only take so much caffeine and gas), Gatorade (sugar-tastic!) or orange juice (expensive and still quite sugary). So, we’ve been keeping our eyes open for a good alternative.

Miri returned triumphantly from Econo the other day carrying a small container called “Tang”. Inside were 3 small tubs of orange powder. “I found you squash!” she said. According to the instructions you just add water to make an orange flavoured drink. To say I was slightly skeptical would be a huge understatement! 🙂

Anyway, we mixed it up and I was pleasantly surprised. It really does taste ‘orangey’ and not artificial at all. Very reminiscent of orange squash in fact! Each small tub makes 2 large pitchers worth, so its economical too. Best of all its sugar free! 🙂




SUPERfoods is finally open!  Hallelujah!  Daniel will be serving his excellent lunch offerings  (which even Nick, the “reluctant vegetarian” eats with gusto) from Monday.  Oh happy days!

Our recent Thanksgiving trip to the mainland afforded us an opportunity to buy certain items not readily available on (or easily shippable to) the island. Thanks to Miri’s terrific forward planning and online ordering expertise, we went to St. Loius with just carry-on luggage and returned with 2 large boxes and a duffel bag of extra checked luggage! 🙂 Thanks Batya and Yehuda for providing temporary storage space for all our purchases.

Among the items were 2 10inch white solar globes, destined to replace the rather sad (and broken) plastic ‘lanterns’ on the pillars at the bottom of our front steps. I spent a couple of hours yesterday morning pulling out the old lights and installing the new ones (including drilling through the bases to secure them to the columns). We were very happy with how they looked, although after installing them we realised it might have been sensible to wait, charge them up for a day and check they worked before drilling holes in them and making them un-returnable! So we waited with bated breath for night to come, and happily they both worked perfectly.

Next DIY project is to replace the tacky gold bathroom fixtures (we inherited with the house), with the nice new chrome ones that also came home with us in our luggage…